The fast pace of our everyday life can accumulate and take a huge toll on our Minds, Body and Soul. Are you currently facing challenges in life that bring about feelings of hopelessness, helplessness or even worthlessness?
Changes in lifestyle, relationships, career, or in health can be a struggle to adapt to, and different life stages may bring about new levels of anxiety, depression or loneliness. While it can be difficult to find the right person to communicate your thoughts and ideas in a safe manner, oftentimes being heard is what brings about the first ray of healing.
Here at CCMC’s Counselling ministry, we aim to provide a safe space for clients to share their struggles, receive professional therapy, and experience the healing love of God - be it through implicit or explicit integration of biblical principles.
Mission: To embody the Spirit of Christ as one counsels, non-pathologising of human conditions, but to approach each individual with compassion and honour.
Vision: To become a body of Christ without division, and to plant seeds such that all who pass through the ministry will be able to see themselves as God sees them one day - made in His image, worthy of love, compassion and transformation.
Our full-time counsellor is well-trained in crisis intervention, grief and loss counselling, as well as trauma-informed practice. She is a registered counsellor with the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC) and is fluent in both English and Mandarin. You can read more about her in this interview by Loaves & Fishes.
If you are feeling troubled and need to talk to someone, reach out to us by submitting the intake form to request for our counsellor to get in touch with you.
All counselling sessions are strictly confidential.
PDPA Privacy Statement:
We collect and use the personal data that you provide herein for the purposes of this registration and for keeping you informed of our activities and programs. By interacting with, submitting information to or signing up for any organized activity offered by Covenant Community Methodist Church (“CCMC”), you agree and consent to CCMC collecting, using, disclosing and sharing your personal data for the purposes of such organized activity, any of the purposes as set out in CCMC’s Personal Data Protection Policy and/or also for the purposes in relation to administration and Body Life of CCMC. CCMC respects personal data and privacy, and will only disclose personal data to third parties as permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) or by law or for the purposes as set out in CCMC’s Personal Data Protection Policy (which may be found at http://www.ccmc.org.sg/pdpa) or for the purposes in relation to administration and Body Life of CCMC.
Should you wish to withdraw or limit your consent, please write with full particulars to our Data Protection Officer at dataprotection@ccmc.org.sg or attend in person to do so at the CCMC office at:
Covenant Community Methodist Church
Level 4, Methodist Girls’ School
11 Blackmore Drive
Singapore 599986