Reaching Out In Love
To mark CCMC’s 30th Anniversary, we lived out our faith by running
at least 30 Blessings Projects for the community.
These projects were initiated not only by ministries and church staff,
but across many segments of our church.
Ongoing Projects
13 - 17 Nov: Missions @ Cambodia
Nov - Dec: Missions @ Thailand
5 - 9 Dec: Missions @ Thailand
14 Dec: Christmas Outreach
Weekly Events
Every Thursday: Pickleball Games
Every Friday: OC Friday: MGS Reading Programme
Completed & Closed Projects
Thank you to everyone who supported these Blessings Projects!
Completed Projects
3 Mar - 27 Apr: Ride & Run To Restore (The Helping Hand)
29 Mar: Migrant Workers' Outreach with AEF
31 Mar: CK Easter Event
11 May: Movie Night
12 May: Mother’s Day - Blessing Wives of YWAM Missionaries Who Are Moms
12 May: Friend-In-Deed, Adopting A Wish Project
24 May: Outreach to Bangladeshi Migrant Workers Through Food
29 May: MGS Lunch with Teaching Staff
29 May: MGS Lunch with Non-Teaching Staff
16-22 Jun: Father's Day Blessing to Migrant Workers Who Are Fathers
via Operations Honour, YWAM -
21 Jun: MWS Pastoral Care Volunteer Training & Visits
22 Jun: Bowl of Love
23 Jun: CCMC Community Picnic
7 Jul: Growth Group Warmth Lunch
29 Jul: Healing Hearts - Singapore Prison Fellowship
11 Aug: CCMC Fiesta
24 Aug - 24 Sep: Outreach to Low Wage Workers in Nearby Condo
13 Oct: Home-Helpers Ministry Outreach Event: "The Potter And You"
22-23 Oct: Gifting of Sophia Blackmore book to MGS and FMS students
28 Oct - 3 Nov: Missions @ Nepal (Medical Mission)
Closed For Participation
June - December
Ready, Get-Teched, Go!