This community is for members and friends of CCMC
to receive the latest church updates and announcements.
Follow this link: https://bit.ly/CommunityCCMC or scan QR code to join:

1. You may unsubscribe from our WhatsApp Community anytime by leaving the group.
2. Your mobile phone number will not be visible to other members of the Community (except to Community admins), and vice-versa.
3. Our WhatsApp Community is a one-way broadcast service. To contact our Church Office, please call 6466 9652 or WhatsApp 9834 5669 during office hours.
4. By subscribing to our broadcast services you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Personal Data Protection Policy (PDPP) of Covenant Community Methodist Church, available at https://www.ccmc.org.sg/pdpa, and hereby give your acknowledgement and consent to use your personal data in accordance with the PDPP.