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Abstract Background

guide to fasting

Fasting Week 1 (5 Feb 2025)




Speak O Lord:

Read: Philippians 1


Steps for Fasting

Start Small - Fast for one meal, maybe lunch. Don’t overeat to prepare!

Take fruit juice if you must to keep up your energy.

Plan activities you’ll do in lieu of eating - Worship, Bible Study using S.O.A.P.

Fasting can be from other things – TV, Social Media, other sources of enjoyment.


Bible Study using S.O.A.P.

1. Scripture

  • Read the scripture passage of the day

  • Select portions which you sense God highlighting to you or that you feel special significance for.

  • Write them out, in your journal if you have one. Writing facilitates memory and this helps get the Word deeper in us.


2. Observation

As you read the Bible, look for one of the following:

  • A lesson to be learnt

  • An example to be followed

  • Promises to be enjoyed

  • Jesus to be revealed


• Main question for reflection: Why is God highlighting this verse to you? What is God saying to you from the Bible?


Write 3-4 sentences about what you have observed from the text and how it relates to you.


3. Application

Main question for reflection: How will you be different as a result of what you have read and God has spoken?

  • Write down specific application plans and desires.


4. Prayer

Write your prayer down, giving thanks to God, asking him how he wants you to respond, and for courage and determination to do so.

Watch the Sermon Series

Celebration of Discipline Sermon Series

Celebration of Discipline Sermon Series
Sermon of 2 Feb 2025: Why Fast? (by Rev David Gwee)
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Sermon of 2 Feb 2025: Why Fast? (by Rev David Gwee)

Sermon of 26 Jan 2025: Cultivating The Discipline Of Not Praying... (by Dr Calvin Chong)
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Sermon of 26 Jan 2025: Cultivating The Discipline Of Not Praying... (by Dr Calvin Chong)

Sermon of 19 Jan 2025: Outside In or Inside Out? (by Dr Mark Chan)
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Sermon of 19 Jan 2025: Outside In or Inside Out? (by Dr Mark Chan)

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