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Reaching Out In Love


To mark CCMC’s 30th Anniversary, we will

live out our faith by running at least

 30 Blessings Projects for our community!

MGS Building Photo.jpeg


Worship Services

We are a covenant community where everyone can gather to grow in Christ.

Click Here For E-Bulletin

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Get Involved

We are called to serve one another as Jesus intended. Let's answer the call together!


For Families

We are a family-oriented church with services and programmes for families

and children. 

Family Life CCMC

For Youth

We are committed to shepherding our future generations, to be one that is rooted in Christ.


to Know God Deeply & Make him known widely

Looking for a place to find out more about the Christian faith,

worship regularly or grow deeper in your Christian walk?

Join us at our regular services and experience

what it is like to be part of a covenant community!

important notice

MGS Lift Out Of Order

Please be advised that the MGS lift is currently out of order until further notice.

The staircase remains accessible.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your kind understanding.

upcoming events


Latest Sermons

Covenant Community Methodist Church
Sermon of 21 July 2024: See, Will The Lord Not Bless You? (by Rev David Gwee)
Sermon of 21 July 2024: See, Will The Lord Not Bless You? (by Rev David Gwee)

Sermon of 21 July 2024: See, Will The Lord Not Bless You? (by Rev David Gwee)

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Sermon of 14 July 2024: The Grace Of Giving (by Ps Rufus Chan)

Sermon of 14 July 2024: The Grace Of Giving (by Ps Rufus Chan)

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Sermon of 7 July 2024: Filled With The Spirit To Reach Out (by Rev Dr Isaac Lim)

Sermon of 7 July 2024: Filled With The Spirit To Reach Out (by Rev Dr Isaac Lim)

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Sermon of 30 June 2024: Fruit Given Because He Loves Us (by Rev Joheun Park)

Sermon of 30 June 2024: Fruit Given Because He Loves Us (by Rev Joheun Park)

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